Author: Evan Ezquer

Evan, the founder of Metaroids, is an OG crypto enthusiast and content creator who has explored the world of blockchain, AI, and other cutting-edge tech for nearly a decade. His ultimate goal is to build the best community on the Internet. Up until January 2023, Evan has been writing on Metaroids under the pseudonym Falkris.

Compound Finance is a crypto project that rose to the top of DeFi space in the last couple of months (June and July 2020). Decentralized finance (DeFi) has been growing strong since the beginning of 2020 and it appears to have no plans of slowing down. And Compound currently has the second-largest locked assets among DeFi protocols, next to Maker. Compound Finance enables users to earn money on the crypto assets that they hold. Instead of hodling tokens, you could choose to put them to work and earn passive income. Background Compound Finance is a San Francisco-headquartered company started by…

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