Author: Evan Ezquer

Evan, the founder of Metaroids, is an OG crypto enthusiast and content creator who has explored the world of blockchain, AI, and other cutting-edge tech for nearly a decade. His ultimate goal is to build the best community on the Internet. Up until January 2023, Evan has been writing on Metaroids under the pseudonym Falkris.

Ethereum will succeed because the world needs unstoppable applications that can be built on top of it. It has the first-mover advantage which has created a network effect that propels it ahead of its competitors. And when ETH 2.0 becomes fully implemented, the network can scale to 100,000 transactions per second (tps). Whether Ethereum will succeed or not depends on how long it can scale before it loses its network-effect-driven dominance in the crypto space. What is Ethereum? Ethereum is a blockchain-based smart contract platform intended to become a decentralized global operating system. It paved the way for the creation…

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A lot of Ethereum investors and community members have been aching to know when Ethereum 2.0 will be released. To answer that question on the get-go, Phase 0, which is the first phase of ETH 2.0, will launch sometime between November 2020 and January 2021. However, it won’t be a complete solution. In this article, I will do my best to illustrate when this upgrade would likely be released. To be honest, there is no direct answer when it comes to the Ethereum 2.0 launch date because: Ethereum 2.0 will be released in multiple phasesThis begs the follow-up question ‘which…

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The Coronavirus has hurt us all, not just financially, but in many aspects of our lives as well. But what if it could provide some benefit for the crypto industry? This article does not intend to downplay the seriousness of this pandemic, nor do I take it lightly. I want it to be gone just as much as you do. But like any optimistic individual, I always look for silver linings as much as I could, especially if it’s tied to crypto. And I found that despite the market drop caused by the coronavirus, crypto companies and supporters might gain…

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Is Bitcoin the currency of the future? Is cryptocurrency the future? These questions have been asked countless times by people who have been recently exposed to the digital currencies market. For those of us that have been here long enough, we know this to be true. Not with absolute certainty, but with a high probability. Cryptocurrency is the future of the internet, or at least its next stage because it is inherently superior to the traditional financial system we use today. For one, the financial sector is full of third-party services eating up unnecessary costs. Furthermore, these systems are quite…

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